Jason Voorhees Deluxe Costume for Adults - Friday the 13th

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He is a true icon of pop culture, Jason Voorhees. The infamous antagonist of the cult horror movie “Friday the 13th” is a serial killer, wearing his trademark hockey goalie mask as he slaughters his way across Camp Crystal Lake. Jason was drowned as a child and possesses superhuman strength, regenerative powers, and near invulnerability, making him a true force to be reckoned with. We strongly suggest you watch out for hockey players, stay away from the lake at night and be afraid…. be very afraid. Dress up as this mad serial killer for Halloween!

Memories of the events at Camp Crystal Lake and new opportunities to run amok at Higgins Haven combine to drive Friday the 13th anti-hero Jason Voorhees on another gruesome spree. Campers, beware!

  • Costume top with digital print including mock jacket & ripped t-shirt
  • Moulded mask with painted features and elastic strap
  • Moulded plastic machete with painted details including blood
  • This is an officially licensed Friday the 13th product
Pants not included
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