Kat (Heart Emoji) Costume for Kids

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Quantity must be 1 or more
Small (3-4 Yrs)
Medium (5-7 Yrs)

Whether you're known as a moggy, a puss, a kitten or a cat, you will probably only answer to Darling or perhaps SuperStar!! Why not claw your way into this adorable animal outfit....Grab your mic, call up a crowd and show them how it's done! Become a musical KAT today. Meow!


  • Dress with digitally printed feline fur pattern in shades of pink with satin waistband, satin feature shoulders plus attached tail
  • Headiece is foam backed satin cat ears on a plastic headband and this costume also contains a collar with velcro fastens at rear to match dress fabric
  • Matching fingerless glovelets reach to elbow height plus a pair of knee high leg warmers
  • This is an official Rubie's Product

Microphone and shoes not included

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