Pennywise Deluxe Costume for Adults - Warner Bros IT Movie

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Clowns are commonly known for being funny and friendly, however, not all clowns are quite so loveable. Meet Pennywise, the Dancing Clown and star of the iconic Stephen King’s horror novel “It”, written in 1986. This terrifying and demonic clown is a Shape-shifter, who can only be seen by children and exists purely to haunt them in their nightmares. Pennywise can take on many different forms, and has been known to change into werewolves, bats, leeches, and sharks and can embody any of a child's worst fears. The 2017 Movie “It” starring the deranged Pennywise Clown was a blockbuster horror movie. Watch out for his red balloons swaying in the breeze, kids. A perfect choice for Halloween, dress up as Pennywise and become your friends’ worst nightmare.

  • Shirt with Puff Sleeves & Cuff Detail
  • Attached Belt and Pom Poms
  • Tulle Ruffle Collar
  • Character Mask
Pants & Shoes not included
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