From Disney's 1993 American dark fantasy Halloween-Christmas movie 'The Nightmare Before Christmas', produced by Tim Burton, Sally Finkelstein is a humanoid rag doll that was created by Dr Finkelstein. Made of various pieces, in including dead leaves, stitched together, Sally is always under the Doctor's lock and key - so to escape, she poisons him and sneaks out. In love with Jack Skellington, together they are a perfect couples costume choice for either Christmas or Halloween!
- Shift style dress, digitally printed with stitching patterns and featuring rough, raw edging to sleeves and hem
- Dress is designed to look raggedy like a rag doll and printed logo on right chest reads The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Long red wig is made from polypropylene hair strands
- This is an officially licensed Nightmare Before Christmas product
Shoes and stockings not included