Lightyear is the new Disney Pixar space ranger movie, released in June 2022. It is a spin-off of the well-loved Toy Story series featuring the toy, Buzz and his friends in Andy's toy box. This new animated movie sees Lightyear, the human, exploring his origins as a young test pilot who goes on through his adventures to becomes a space ranger. But with every heroic character, there needs to be the villain! How will Zurg, the robotic antihero, try and destroy Buzz's mission?
- Digitally printed all-in-one jumpsuit with printed features on arms, chest and legs and has velcro tabs at rear to close
- Jumpsuit has padded fibre filled chest and flared legs with fibre fill to increase size
- Attached 3D foam backed gauntlets are digitally printed, as are the 3D foam backed shoulder pads
- Moulded plastic mask with painted Zurg features and eye and nose holes cut out
- This is an officially licensed Disney Pixar product
Shoes not included