Ease Out Of Iso
So here we are, it’s July already and we are venturing out in to our ‘New Normal’. The Winter School Holidays are upon us - those couple of weeks that signify the half-way point of the year (already!?).
The usual side effect of the winter holidays is the onset of boredom, particularly for the kids! We survived iso and home schooling (what a treat!) – So how can we ease ourselves and the kids out of Iso and start enjoying some of the things we have had to go without for the last few months?
Here it is – a bucket list of ideas for the kids (and the kids at heart) that you can do to make these school holidays a great way to play ‘catch up’ on some things you may have been missing!
- Have that April/May/June Birthday Celebration NOW!

- Go see a movie!

- Support Local!
While some of us are tentatively making the return to dining out… our local businesses need us. Maybe start small and catch up at a local café or restaurant for a coffee/milkshake lunch date?
- Park Play Date Time
If you are lucky enough to roll out of bed, throw open the curtains and find one of those clear blue sky, sunny winter mornings staring back at you – make the most of it! Chuck your head outside so as not to be fooled by what LOOKS like a warm spring day (its probs freezing! Lol) rug up the kids and get down to the local park to burn off some energy! Get the gang together and let the kids play while you catch up with the mums! It’s a win/win! Pack some morning/afternoon tea, lunch and a thermos – it just gets better and better!
- Reconnect with Friends and Family
Iso was tough. Physically and mentally… being at home for an extended period is unnatural for most of us and while some days or weeks seemed to go forever, the time also flew by in stages too. We have probably gone the longest period ever, in which we have not seen some our nearest and dearest. Start reconnecting with your loved ones -it’s good for the soul and will help us slide back in to the new ‘normal’ faster.
Our priority is to always serve our customers responsibly and with friendliness. While we are still navigating through these challenging times we are ensuring our standards remain high and customer service is still our number one focus. The Health and Safety of our team is top of mind!
Follow @CostumeSuperCentreAU on Facebook and Instagram and don’t forget to tag us in your dress up pics #costumesupercentreau. We love to see you enjoying your costumes!
Finally, to YOU all our wonderful customers – we are with you!
Enjoy Your Costumes And Help Stop The Spread.
Remember, we are just a click away and are here to help. #weareallinthistogether
The Team at Costume Super Centre