Isolation Inspo for Restless Kids
Spending time at home can be great! We can catch up on those DIY things that have been on the to-do list forever, finally finish that book you started reading months (years!) ago, settle in for some serious Netflix or Disney+ binge watching... I don't know about you, but I wont need a Spring Clean this year because we got it covered in Winter!
But the flip side of this is that inevitable onset of BOREDOM, particularly for the kids! While we have home-schooling (what a treat!) to break up the day now - you are probably still in need of some inspiration on how to break that boredom... because, lets be honest... the dog has probably gone in to hiding for fear of ANOTHER walk!
So here it is - a list of activities for the kids that mean you can still stay at home and wont cost the earth!
1. Indoor or Outdoor Scavenger Hunts
Parenting Hack #450: ANYTHING can be made to be fun if you put the right spin on it! Make a list of random things, you can be as simple or as detailed as you like (or that leans towards the ages of the kids and how long you think you can keep them busy for) and set them lose to find them! If you have multiple kids to engage make it a race with a totally worthy prize. Maybe they get to pick their prize? Dessert, fav dinner, pick the movie for the night... the possibilities are endless!
2. Make Your Own Playthings
Kids love nothing more than getting a bit messy and thanks to Google there are TONNES of super easy recipes online to make your own play-dough, slime, puff paint, fizzy blocks.... All of these can be usually be made with simple ingredients that can be found around the house... and the real kicker? You get a 2 for 1 deal.... One boredom busting activity MAKING it, followed by some unidentified amount of time playing (creating more mess!) with their new creation.
3. Build a Fort/Cubby
No builders license required and bonus points for creativity! Who doesn't love to make a fort or a cubby? Whether you choose to set up in the bedroom, the lounge room, under the dining table.... you can make the perfect hideout/club house/adventure tent/fairy house with some blankets, pillows and toys lying around. Maybe after the masterpiece is complete it could turn in to a fun sleep over?
4. Video call a friend of grandparent
While we obviously like to try and limit the extra time being spent with tv's, phones and iPads (and lets be honest... there is probably plenty of extra time being spent on them at the moment) it is still really important to stay connected to our friends and families. The kids are likely to be really missing seeing their friends, cousins, teachers and grandparents. It can be as simple as a phone call but even the most technologically troubled individual can work out how to video call using the likes of FaceTime or Messenger.... This is a great one for the kids and grown ups alike!
5. Board Games
Ok, ok... this is going to be a sensitive topic for those very competitive players out there (ME!) and we all remember back to our own childhood how vicious a game of Monopoly or UNO can get... BUT in this digital age the humble board games have been sitting in the cupboard for too long. UNTIL NOW! Take it in turns to pick the game.... while I am unbeatable at a certain game on the shelf, I am also coming to terms with getting thrashed at Checkers by my 6 year old. We are all learning things here!
6. Exercise together
Ok... the dogs have been walked more in the last few weeks that in years, but give Rover a rest and fins another way to get your exercise while helping the kids work of some of that excess activity. Some Yoga at home, dust off the old Wii Fit, make an indoor or out door boot camp! You might even like to set a family challenge or a challenge with other family in isolation... maybe a daily or weekly Beep Test challenge or Basketball shoot out challenge? Make it simple like skipping or hopping for little ones or tougher for those super sporty families missing out on their winter footy or basketball season. Keep track of your results and see how much you all improve over time.
7. Backyard Picnic
Pack the lunchboxes, take a blanket and your teddies... maybe you might even like to get dresses up and head out side (weather permitting) for picnic in the yard! If you are lucky enough to get to make the most of the last warm weather, hang out for a bit. Read a book, throw a ball, look for cloud animals or explore your garden for some neat flowers or insects!
8. Join in on the chores
This is a personal favourite. Life at home can't be wall to wall fun and games and kids see us doing all the cleaning and chores every day - now is a great time for them to join in and learn some valuable life skills along the way! There are plenty of jobs to be done around the house that are suitable for a variety of ages and abilities. Load or unload the dishwasher, help put on a load of washing and /or hang it out to dry, set and clear the dinner table, help wash the car or maybe get out in the garden for some fresh air? Big kids can mow the lawns and little ones can help pull some weeds!
9. Put on a show!
Were you even a kid if you didn't put on a show with your siblings, friends or cousins? Now its time to teach them how we made believe we were famous before daydreaming about being a You Tube star was even a thing. Crack open the dress up box, put on some music, make up a dance, pretend to host the news, host a talent show! Get silly and have fun with it!
Lastly, but maybe most importantly...
Boredom isn't always a bad thing. While we might feel the urge to keep out precious little people occupied and stimulated all the time, it is still really important to allow them 'free time', unscheduled, unplanned to just be. With boredom, the imagination kicks in.... you might be amazed at what fun kids can create for themselves if you just turn off the telly and let them be. Keep their toys, board games, pencils, dress ups or lego within easy reach and just see what happens!
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Finally, To YOU All Our Wonderful Customers – We Are With You - Stay Home – Enjoy Your Costumes And Help Stop The Spread.
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The Team at Costume Super Centre