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The top 5 things you didn’t know about oktoberfest

Oktoberfest is almost here, and you don’t need to be in Germany to join the fun. These days you can drink and be merry at celebrations all around Australia. And we have the costumes to make sure you’re the hit of the party!

While you’re choosing your perfect outfit, here are the Top 5 things you DIDN’T know about Oktoberfest:
Prince Ludwig
(pretty much the only costume we DON’T have. Soz.)
1. It wasn’t originally about beer
Shocking, we know. The first Oktoberfest was the wedding of Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese in 1810. In following years, the anniversary was celebrated with horse racing. It wasn’t till 1819 that steins replaced the stallions, and beer drinkers haven’t looked back since!
2. Wait for the Mayor
Drinking can only commence when the Mayor of Munich opens the first barrel at noon and declares ‘O’ zapft is’ (‘It’s tapped!’). Kind of like your drinking sesh down the pub starting with your mates racing to proclaim “Your shout!” Who’ll be first to make the call this year?
3. Einstein worked there
We don’t know how many beers in Albert was when he thought up the Theory of Relativity. But we do know he helped set up tents at Oktoberfest in 1896!
4. Can you carry 29?
Oktoberfest glasses are not actually steins, they’re “Masskrugs”. And the world record for carrying them is held by 46 year old Bavarian tax inspector Oliver Strümpfel. In 2017, Ollie carried 29 full litre maskrugs, weighing 69kg. Watch him go, and feel shame next time you need multiple trips from the bar.
5. Don’t sniff Lederhosen
The traditional leather shorts worn at Oktoberfest are called Lederhosen. And they are never washed. Apparently Germans like them dirty, because it keeps the leather soft. Yet another reason to buy your outfit from us instead!

So, without further ado, here’s the Top 5 you’ve really been waiting for:

Our top 5 Oktoberfest costumes:

Looks great - and safer on the nose than a German’s lederhosen!
This gorgeous costume is maid to impress.
Get the boys talking with this hot number.
Come on, do we need to say more?
You’ll be a star of the selfies when you crack this one open.
a costume to make sure your pooch isn’t left out of the party!
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